Fay Jay’s 6 Lessons of Motherhood

Among the young women we talked to on Mother’s day to get a feel of being a mother was Faith John (Fay Jay) . She shared with us 6 of her lessons of motherhood. She seemed to focus on the difference between the parent and the child. Young people are fascinating but from a adult perspective young minds can be silly, full of disappointments and even demanding.

Take you time, not just in preparation but in every step, because it’s a process – Fay; Jay

Here are the 6 lessons of motherhood fay picked up through personal experience

1 To be patient. Being a parent comes with many roles. You become a guardian, a teacher, caregiver and more. All these are not easy positions to stand from. You have to be loving and hopeful. Of which without patience you won’t cope.

2 To give room for disappointments. So much to look forward to, yet life is a journey with twists and turns. Being patient alone doesn’t cut it. You have to accept that things don’t always go as you imagine. Sometimes you put in your best work but it still you can’t control everything. So the unconditional love of being a mother hinges on giving room for disappointments.

3 Multitasking. Children have many needs but their demand for attention is one that you can’t easily ignore. After all, the most valuable gift a caring person can ever give is time. One of Fay Jay’s 6 lessons of motherhood, in part, is setting time for things to do with your kid. But the thing with time is that it’s finite. In your race with the clock, you will have to learn to multitask.

4 To plan for more with less resources. When you have more people to care for, you have to be more capable. You have to meet the needs of multiple people using less resources. Once you have a child, you have so many things to

5 To listen more even to silly things. Young minds will intrigue you. They are curious and have a fresh perspective. Yet, all these unrefined thoughts are often silly. Your well developed adult mind will have to go crazy to listen to all the things kids say. But still you have to manage, laugh it off even.

6 Every gift you get from your child is valuable no matter how small it is. It doesn’t end with funny thoughts. Kids also make and procure gifts. You have to appreciate a thoughtful mind and a loving heart.


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