Looking back to the times when she was still in her mother’s home, Edith Mudzemeti said, “it’s like you have opened up my childhood memories; a Pandora’s box.” Like many other young girls, she had a clash with her mum when it came to fashion choices. And there are many other things she didn’t exactly see eye to eye with her mum. But that is until Edith became a mother herself.
“I’m the type of person that holds on to grudges. I remember this one time mum reprimanded me and i held on to the grudge lol then she came up to me and explained herself. She pointed out that as a single parent she had to double as both my mum and dad. And it wasn’t easy. So whatever she does or says, she still has a soft spot ’cause she is a mother above all”
Edith shared the things she got to appreciate better only when she became a mother
Lessons learnt from experience.. She appreciated this only when she became a mother.

“Most importantly it’s the sacrifices” Edith said about the enlightenment that came with being a mum. Edith’s mother not only took care of her children but her siblings as well. “Now being in that position myself I realize it’s difficult”. Edith admitted. “At the end of the day you still want to be your own person. But Mum did it all without complaining”
“I also used to think she loved Garry more than she loved me”, Edith confessed. “but when I became a mother I realized that I love all my children the same. It’s just the way they relate to me that’s different. Noku is quiet and reserved, Nothando is outspoken and outgoing and Cj is just a baby and a last born”
“Growing up I didn’t like my mum’s fashion sense.” Edith remembers. “If I didn’t like the clothes I wouldn’t wear them”. At one point she asked her mum, “aren’t you supposed to buy me clothes I like, not the ones you like?” Karma has come back to bite, “Now with my kids it’s the same thing. I had to tell tell them if they don’t like the clothes I buy for them, they should buy their own”. Edith sort of gets it now, “although I think i have better taste than my mum back then”.

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