Cutting your hair is a bold step, yet some are more bold than others. Bridget usually has trimmed hair. But how low can she go? Turns out this year she had a clean start; a total makeover; cut off all her hair. Why?

Bridget is known to reinvent herself again and again. She wears the chameleon’s coat not only because of her ability to adapt but also because she is passionate about looks and change. I remember how she was so enthusiastic about the 5 different looks challenge. Was this just a fashion move, Bridget, shuffling her looks as usual?

Well the truth is that she had little choice. Somehow Bridget fried her hair, and this new style is her making the best of a bad situation. It is indeed a clean start. Going back to basics she says.
Selfie with the Kids, testing the new look
Funny story is I fried my hair and had no choice but to go back to basics
Not all hair styling disasters end up with a perfect clean start. Sometimes you may damage your hair or scalp so bad that you won’t be able to recover easily. So if hate getting stuck with one look for too long you can use Bridget’s safer tricks; wigs. Let the synthetic hair suffer the strain while you grow and care for your natural hair.
Nice.. I like her choice of earrings…